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🍁✨ A Celtic Pre-Thanksgiving at the Meadowlark Motel ✨🍁
This November 18th, embrace the rich tapestry of Celtic heritage as we blend the gratitude of Thanksgiving with the spirited heart of the Celtic tradition. Join us at the Meadowlark Motel for an evening where folklore intertwines with festivity, and every note resonates with the warmth of Thanksgiving.
🎵 Celtic Tales and Tunes with Mike Ogletree
Let the enchanting melodies of Mike Ogletree carry you to the emerald hills of the Celts as he weaves musical narratives steeped in legend and lore. Starting at 7pm in our cozy Skylark SpeakEasy, the air will be filled with the mesmerizing rhythms of Celtic Tales music.
🍽️ A Feast of Hearty Delights
Savor the rustic flavors of our specially crafted Celtic Thanksgiving dishes. Indulge in the heartwarming comfort of traditional Shepherd’s Pie and the robust richness of Mutton Stew, among other delightful offerings. Each dish is a nod to the ancestral Celtic fare, promising to satisfy your soul as well as your appetite.
🥃 Whisky Wonders
What’s a Celtic celebration without a bit of the “water of life”? Sip and savor a fine Scotch whisky, with its own story and character.
Join us for an evening where every bite and every beat pays homage to the Celtic spirit. Raise a glass, share a meal, and give thanks as we blend tradition with camaraderie at the Meadowlark Motel’s Skylark SpeakEasy.
🌟 Find out more by calling 828-926-1717
Come for the feast, stay for the tales, and leave with memories steeped in Celtic warmth.

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